Monday, March 7, 2016

Bodily Functions

"Tight Rope" by isabelsophia

Bodily functions: not what it sounds like (or smells like). A few weeks ago, I attended a body image lecture by Dr. Lindsay Kite and Dr. Lexie Kite (check out their website), and they encouraged us to think about all the great things our bodies can do. I accepted their invitation because I want to reconcile with my body. In the past, I have felt very betrayed by my body. I felt like it was keeping my spirit from doing the things I wanted to do. I tried to distance myself from my body. I told myself that I was just a spirit with a body, but the gospel truth is that I am a spirit and a body. Both together make the soul. And I want to forge a stronger soul.

Here are the cool things my body can do/has done:

My body can work on big projects and tiny projects.
My body can smell when the gas stove has been left on.
My body can collect dirt and sand and goatheads.
My body can fall off a trampoline.
My body can share heat with my cold kitty on a wintry evening.
My body can read for hours.
My body can taste salty, spicy, sweet, and bitter foods.
My body can be corrected--like my vision and teeth have been.
My body can act as proxy to receive ordinances for those who are dead, whose bodies cannot.
My body can tie down a fence during a windstorm.
My body can take a 3-hour-long written exam.
My body can go without food for 24 hours.
My body, in its sleep, can save someone from choking.
My body can give a hug to a grieving friend.
My body can smack a volleyball past taller, bigger bodies.
My body can warn me about extreme temperatures.
My body can heal from injury and illness.
My body can stay awake during evening classes and on long drives.
My body can shelter my spirit and give it opportunities to expand.
My body can get rid of poisonous substances.
My body can travel through time (some call it "aging"; I call it time travel).
My body can shake to alert me to danger.
My body can produce loud laughter and big smiles.

I could go on forever. Not everyone's body can do the same things mine can do. Likewise, my body cannot do the same things that other bodies can do. But it is my body. It is part of my soul. And yes, it will change through time and circumstance, and yes, it has weaknesses and faults, and no, I don't want to trade it for another.

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