I'm back in the writing game thanks to this simple feature of the Nanowrimo website that allows me to set a writing goal and track my progress--outside of November! I've wanted this function for years, and I am pleased with its customizable elements. I chose to track my writing hours as I revise (since word count during revision fluctuates significantly), and even though I am currently behind in my hours, I like what I see.
2. An old love, Star Trek: Voyager
I came to the Voyager game way late, but better late than never. As a child, I watched Next Generation occasionally, but I really got the Star Trek spin-offs when I discovered them on Netflix. Voyager is by far my favorite spin-off: a female captain with quirks and flaws, a crew of diverse ethnicities and alien races, a dramatic tale of being lost in space--this show has it all!
2a. Some favorite episodes: Season 3.25 "Worst Case Scenario," Season 2.21 "Deadlock," and Season 4.18 & 4.19 "The Killing Game, Parts 1 and 2"
3. A new love, One Day at a Time
This Netflix sitcom is about family, and I am a sucker for shows about family. I am also a sucker for shows that provide insight into a different demographic. In this case, Cuban-Americans play on center stage, allowing me to consider what I have in common with them and what their unique strengths and struggles are. Plus, Rita Moreno. What more could I want?
4. Community Involvement a la Parks and Rec
I recently finished rewatching Parks and Recreation for the hundredth time (or so), and Leslie Knope always gets me fired up to be more involved in my community. Also, certain current events are getting me fired to be more involved in local government. So, I am now a volunteer at the Orem Public Library. I had to visit the Orem Police Department and City Center for the first time in order to apply for the volunteer position, and it was neat to walk past the City Council chambers and see the Orem seal lit up in a dark room. Anyway, I repair books so that (1) the city can save money on replacing books and (2) the children of my community can read and learn and grow. Plus, I get to be around books more. 5 out of 5 stars, would recommend.
5. Roasted Baby Carrots
I don't like raw carrots. Ever since I was a baby, I have had an odd reaction to something in carrots. It's almost like eating extremely sour food. HOWEVER. I discovered this month that I enjoy roasted baby carrots. It would probably be regular carrots, too, but I am too lazy to chop them up into bite-size chunks. Baby carrots come in smaller quantities and smaller chunks. Just sprinkle some salt, onion powder, and garlic over them and pop them into the oven for about 30 minutes. Delicious!
6. Mary Poppins musical
BYU put on a production of the Mary Poppins musical, which I saw in 2010 on the Broadway tour in Atlanta. I loved it the first time, partly because of the special effects: people and kites fly, and a certain chimney sweep tap dances on the ceiling. I thought BYU would not have the means to incorporate that level of effect, but I was wrong. They did a great job! Also, "Feed the Birds" always makes me cry. Also also, I want to be as confident as Mary Poppins when I grow up. After all, the song "Practically Perfect" is her singing about how perfect she is, "so people say."
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